Tag archives for land value tax
A case for a negative Land Value Tax?
Land Value Tax, or Annual Ground Rent, is criticised by some for being a tax that hits large landowners with…
Land Value Tax – 7 myths busted
Land Value Tax is starting to gain traction, but should you believe all the criticisms of it? As with all…
Think outside the money box: Land Value Tax (LVT)
Everyone speaks of tax in terms of income tax. But there are good reasons to tax land instead - in…
Neoliberalism in the dock
Two articles appeared this week, one critiquing neoliberalism, and one defending it Neoliberalism has become a dirty word in some…
Osborne: Rich richer because of monetary policy
The rich have become richer because of the UK's policies of low interest rates and quantitative easing, former Chancellor George…
The effects of inequality: but which shade of inequality?
The effects of inequality challenge our beliefs about fairness and justice. Is this just jealousy? Or is there something of…
Scottish Election 2016 – Scottish Liberal Democrats Manifesto
Our plan for Scotland, say the Lib Dems, is to: Be the best again The LibDems used to be a…